Since deciding to keep the blog as a place for original Nadinoo content there has been no place to post all those inspiring images that influence our collections. So the decision to join the exciting world of Tumblr seemed like an obvious one. Keep loosing hours of my life researching through beautiful imagery, I know it's quite a late discovery but better late than never..
If anyone has any amazing Tumblr tips, inspiring people to follow or advise on how on earth you customize that header please do tell!
Hope you enjoy the images that are keeping me inspired :)
How exciting! Hope you enjoy Tumblr, and I look forward to following all of your pretty inspiration images there. xo.
Nadinoo can do no wrong...really.
I wish I had more tumblr tips! but i do have a TUMBLR i think you might like some of the things I post :)
:)! its great you got one too!
hi! my name is Vicky and I love your blog+tumlr! interesting places on tumblr are:fromthebeautifulmindof,the name i loved, .ladouleur exquise,strangelittlepearls,windflowers,dressedinpastels. i hopeyou find them inpiring
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