19 June 2010

Get me a Caravan

Been thinking lately how little of England I've actually seen over the years, a country I quite happily call my own. What a treat would it be to travel round the English countryside and up the coasts in one of these retro beauts? Drinking in the views and stopping on a country lay-by for a spot of tea and cake. 
If you think of how much spends go into hotels and travel, I'm sure one of these can be justified...

  All these pretty pics have been taken by Hilary Walker an Australian photographer I had the pleasure of meeting this week. Her portfolio is definitely worth a look if like me you enjoy a little nosey round peoples homes.  She is working on an exciting project for Frankie which may also include a little Nadinooness, fingers crossed we get to grace the pages..

If you are still hungry for more Caravan cool then you can also purchase the book!

Photography by Hilary Walker 
AlicePleasance said...

These are so nice! They also make me think a little about this movie though...


Did you ever see it? ;-)

anmutig said...

oh my. i want one too now!

ashley moe said...

I'd love so much to visit England. Those little homes are just darling!

Julie said...

Very cool! I just had campers on my site too..love them:)

Bree said...

I want one so bad!

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