3 January 2012

Sounds of the woods photos

While shooting our little film Sounds of the Woods with Carrie I couldn't resist taking a few photos, especially as Rosalind was looking soo cute! I have to confess Pixie was my favourite character in the film.. I think it's because Pixie is so similar to Roz that everything seemed so natural. Rosalind also posted about her experience shooting this film for us if you care to read..

Photography Nadinoo (Selection edited by Carrie)
Designer & Stylist Nadia Izruna 
Hair & Makeup Emily Dodge
Q's Daydream said...

so very gorgeous!

Emily, Ruby Slipper Journeys said...

I said it before, but I just loved Roz in the film... and I loved Pixie's outfit best of all.

P.S. I'm wearing one of your dresses today (in real life... not in blog life until I get my photographer back in a few weeks). I feel very luxurious : )

Sarah said...

Stunning photos, love your designs :)

Anonymous said...

Wow. All of these photos are amazing!


EM said...

I fall in love with that shirt...I can't deny I love birds!!!! :P

Anonymous said...

I love this short film! I'm especially in love with that red cape <3

Natalia L. said...

It's beautiful and so dreamy, that I can't help feel a little envy, I'd like to be in a beautiful place such like that, with adorable clothes and somehow be spoiled by a camera, designers and make-up artists, hahaha!

It's really beautiful, and I totally fell in love with the red cape <3

The Foolish Aesthete said...

I loved the film you all shot together, and of course, adore Rosalind and her blog. The outfits are perfect in that setting (I just noticed the bow detail behind the cape. Marvelous!). These photographs are so beautiful. Happy New Year!


Elyse (Give Me Bows) said...

Gosh these photographs are beautiful, such lovely colours! x

aure said...

looks fantastic :)

rose-a-petits-pois said...

Gorgeous pictures Nadia !
Rosalind should be the model in your next lookbook.


Nadinoo said...

Thank youuuu! I know Genevieve, she is perfect for Nadinoo :)

celliasaragih said...



Rosie said...

I was completely blown away by the video, the styling, EVERYTHING! So perfect!

Jo - Lost in the Haze said...

Ohh, I didn't know there were photographs too - so pretty! <3 Also, just wanted to see whether you received my email : )

Lost in the Haze: Fashion Blog

Katy Gromball said...

i'm in love with all your work!
everything is precious.


Nadinoo said...

Hi Jo, Your request on my to do list my lovely! So much to get done since getting back, apologies for the delay :)

Jeanine said...

Wow! This photo's are amazing!!!
They are so beautiful I could watch them the whole they! <3
Really love your work!

Megan said...

Why is there no information about the music used in the film? I want to know what that song is...and the artist should get credit don't you think?

Nadinoo said...

Hi there Megan, Carrie has credited the song and artist which shows up below the film:


Here is the info, it's such a beautiful song!

Song by Emiliana Torrini - Birds

Hope that makes you smile again :)

Anonymous said...

Is the cape going to be in the store? Eep, it's adorable, and the photos are so pretty!

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