16 October 2009

Nadinoo Mood images

Photography by Marlies Dattler 
Modeling by Francesca Roberts 
Hair and Make-up by Conny Oberschelp 
Jordan Clarke said...

These are so beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Those are fantastic!

Yann Bunzll said...

Your blog is really beautiful! There is a small mind that I love vintage! I will add in my blog section favorites.

Sincerely, your Yann♥Bunzll

Friend in Fashion said...

Fabulous photos & the collection is stunning - my favourite is the second outfit - gorgeous! :)

nicole said...

i adore your tights in the 3rd photo!

kimricosays said...

i love love love your outfits.

i am defn. looking forward to your posts.

do you have any shows in the west coast area?



Maria Chloe said...

amazing. thats all i can say.

Lauren said...

all of these clothes are soooo gorgeous.

Nadinoo said...

You are all so wonderful thanks for the lovely thoughts!

Kim I'm afraid we do not show anywhere yet but as soon as we do I will be sure to let you know. x

kimricosays said...

ms. nadinoo!

thanks, i would love to check out or even help you with anything you need out here!

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